To change the settings on your TeleRay software, press the Configure button and select the tab "Scanner" on top.

First select your scanner from the drop down menu.

Options -

"Create single DICOM file for multi-page scan" - This will combine all imported multi-page scans into one study.

"Create multiple DICOM file for multi-page scan" - This will separate all imported multi-page scans into multiple studies.

"Initiate scan when dialog is opened" - This will automatically trigger a scan when you click the scan button. Otherwise you need to manually trigger the scan.

"Apply processing to all frames option is default" - This will auto-default the option to apply changes to all frames.

"Show scanner acquire dialog" - With this enabled, you will be informed of the status of your scans in text format.

"Mask Color" - This is the default color of the rectangle used to mask image data.

"Text Color" - This is your default text color when editing images with text.

"File type" - JPG for Images. PNG for line art, text-heavy images, and images with few colors.

"Compression" - This will automatically compress scanned images. The higher the number, the higher the quality picture, but the bigger the file size.