If you would like to add custom fields to burn onto your CD/DVD follow these simple steps:

First launch TeleRay and click the icon Configure (Icon with the tools). Click on the tab "Record Fields"

You may select up to 10 fields at a time. Check the fields you may like to include on your CD/DVD. If something is not listed, you may click the "<>" button and search for all available fields.

These fields will automatically be enabled and will not appear on the check list under "Record Fields":


Once you have selected the fields you want used on your disc, you need to add them onto your default CD/DVD templates. 

 To find out the proper syntax to enter in the Template Editor, press the button "Create Data File Template". Save that and open the txt file. This file will give you all your current labels you can use in the Template Editor. 
Notice how each custom label has a number after it. These numbers need to be used when entered in your templates. If you are burning a disc with multiple patients or studies, you would increase the number value as needed. Example: {PatientName1} then {PatientName2}. 

Click the tab "General" and on the bottom of the place click "Templates Directory". In that folder click "default template".

 This will launch your default graphics that currently appear on your CDs/DVDs. To change your template, double click the CD picture. This will launch your template editing tools.

You can add/edit/move text anywhere you like on the CD template. If you want to insert data from a Patient Study onto the disk, you must use the proper syntax. 

Example: If you want to write your patient's birthday on the burned disk, you would need to have "PatientBirthDate" checked on "Record Fields" tab. Then under the template editor, you would need to insert a text box saying "Birthdate: {PatientBirthDate1}". You must use the { } brackets to pull the data from the study.

Once finished, save the file and exit. You then need to load "Multi-StudyTemplate" and repeat the same process. To make this faster, it is possible to copy objects from the "DefaultTemplate" then open the "Multi-StudyTemplate" and paste them in.